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Tech Accelerator

and DevOps

Reinforce your web application with reliable back-end development and duly adjusted infrastructure.

Reinforce your web application with reliable back-end development

Back-end Development

It is not only the appearance of your product that matters, but also how smoothly, flexibly, and reliably the part hidden from users performs.

The work of a backend developer is not noticeable, but very important

What We Do

We can provide back-end web solutions and help you develop products from the top down. Our broad range of specialists allows us to perform superbly wherever your needs require — be it front-end or back-end.

  • Full Stack Web Development

    We turn your design layouts into a complete working product.

  • Back-end Development Only

    We’ll handle back-end tasks to let your team focus on the priority goals.

  • Third-party Services Integration

    We’ll help you to build a strong network of necessary data across different services and applications.

Back-end Tech Stack

We work with a wide range of back-end technologies allowing us to combine our front-end expertise to develop an excellent web product all the way through.

We can write on well-proven Java, but we prefer Kotlin.

We prefer to write on Kotlin, which is a modern language working on JVM (Java Virtual Machine), but we are also experts with well-proven Java.

Our experts are ready to advise you on the best technologies to fit the unique needs of your project.

We work with a wide range of back-end technologies as well.

We select databases subject to project needs and specific tasks: MongoDB (NoSQL) or PostgreSQL.

DevOps Services

We offer DevOps service as a part of our software development process.

Our DevOps engineers always work side by side with our development teams creating, configuring, and supporting a reliable and secure environment for each project.

We offer the DevOps service as a part of our software development process.

DevOps Solutions

Continuous Integration

We implement CI systems to ensure that all developers’ pull requests go through automatic testing to verify the code before merging.

Automatic Deployment

We use containers to pack an application and all its dependencies to make deployment hassle-free.

Cluster Management and Optimization

We can manage server environment configuration depending on project’s current needs and future development plans.

Maintenance and Monitoring

Our engineers continuously support and monitor the development environment throughout the whole development process to ensure that no time is lost due to unavailability.

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